The Hive of Talent: Fostering Future Creatives

eing at the helm of WOOSH, I, Msimeki Nkatingi, have found myself amidst many a philosophical deliberation. Today’s ponderance?             The art of fostering future creatives.

Every time WOOSH opens its doors for a new position, I find myself deep-diving into each application. Not just the credentials or the experiences, but the stories, the life lessons, the failures and the comebacks. Every interview I sit in, my questions aren’t just about your last job or project. They’re about life, about the moments that have molded you, creative or not. I believe that the essence of a person lies not in their resume, but in their journey, their stories.

A bustling room, brimming with ideas and voices, marks the heart of WOOSH. But our lifeblood? It’s the raw, untapped talent that walks through our doors. Our knack for innovation isn’t solely due to top-tier strategies or groundbreaking tech but our undying commitment to nurturing young minds.

Imagine this: A sleek WOOSH conference room, the ambience set with dimmed lights, and there I am, with every application spread out, diving deep into the stories they tell. Every single one of them. Not out of obligation but passion. At WOOSH, we believe in stories, journeys, and the untold potential they hint at.

During an interview, it’s not the resume that catches my eye but the spark in the eyes of the young talent sitting across from me—their story, ambition, and, most importantly, their will to discover a unique path. Reflecting on my own challenges, like the enlightening encounter with a top CEO in Pretoria, I recognize the importance of experiences. They shape us, they mould us, and they challenge us to rise.

owever, it’s not just about spotting potential but about cultivating it. WOOSH’s open-door policy isn’t just a principle; it’s our            promise. A promise to mentor, guide, and sometimes, let our talents find their own way, even if it means faltering. Because, isn’t it            often through our stumbles that we find our stride?

Every project at WOOSH is a symphony of voices. When a new brief arrives, it doesn’t get trapped within senior echelons. Instead, it dances across every desk, every mind – from the intern with fresh ink on their degree to the seasoned creative director. Because here, every idea is a note, every perspective, a melody, forming our beautiful cacophony of innovation.

As I often reflect on my journey, I’m reminded of Jim Rohn’s wise words about majoring in the major things. It’s the daily grind, the small steps, that culminate into our leap towards success. Every minor achievement is a brick in the grand mansion of our dreams.

So, to the budding artists, thinkers, and dreamers out there, remember this: WOOSH is not just a company; it’s an odyssey. And as we journey through challenges and victories, we do so with the knowledge that, though trials may come, they are but temporary. Resilience, however, is eternal. And with each sunrise, we are presented with a blank slate, awaiting our next masterpiece.

Together, let’s not just chase tomorrow but craft it.

Msimeki Nkatingi